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Call for papers (in English) – Toulouse 9-11 April 2014

Res-Hist Meeting

Toulouse, 9-11 April 2014

This call for papers is addressed in priority to doctoral students or young researchers; however, proposals from second year Master’s students or from more confirmed researchers may be accepted if they correspond to the required format.

We want to take advantage of the meeting of the RES-HIST (Networks and History, group, organized within the framework of the Labex Structuration of Social Worlds of Toulouse, with the support of the IUF, from April 9 to 11, 2014, and in the prolongation of the first meeting held in Nice in September 2013, to reserve a day for the presentation of current research on network analysis in historical domains. All themes, all historical periods and all geographic zones will be considered. The objective of the workshop is to allow participants to formulate questions, to express their doubts on their current research, to discuss their work as much as to present their work to specialists in very different domains. The format will give priority to discussion of conceptual, methodological and practical aspects of each research project: precise definitions of terms used to speak of networks, choice and treatment of sources, and, eventually, formats of data bases, software or indicators of networks to use, principles of graphical representation, and so forth. The oral presentation itself will last 15 minutes.

We will reserve about ten places for these talks. Those researchers whose proposals were not accepted for an oral presentation will be given the possibility to present a synthetic poster that will  be shown in the rooms reserved for the meeting.

Please send your proposals (about 15 lines) to before February 1, 2014. Please specify your current status.

The organizers will finance two nights and most of the meals over the days of the meeting. Transport costs remain the responsibility of the participants or of their laboratories.

Scientific Committee : Michel Bertrand, Claude Denjean, Christine Dousset-Seiden, Guillaume Gaudin, Florent Hautefeuille, Gildas Tanguy, Sandrine Victor.


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Groupe Res-Hist (24 décembre 2013). Call for papers (in English) – Toulouse 9-11 April 2014. Réseaux et Histoire. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse

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