Une session sur l’histoire dans la rencontre européenne sur les réseaux sociaux, à Barcelone en juillet
Nous vous incitons à répondre à l’appel lancé par les organisateurs très dynamiques de cette session, issus du groupe anciennement organisé en Allemagne sur la thématique (voir leur site très riche). C’est l’occasion de se rencontrer entre pays européens, en anglais certes, mais la plupart des participants ne seront sans doute pas non plus des anglophones natifs, alors pas d’auto-censure ! Et de profiter éventuellement des autres sessions plus sociologiques ou relevant d’autres sciences sociales. Voici les informations données par les organisateurs :
Please consider participating in the session on historical network research at the 1st European Conference on Social Networks – Barcelona (UAB) – July 1-4, 2014.http://jornades.uab.cat/eusn/content/historical-network-research. Abstracts can be submitted here, deadline is 1.4.2014.
Historical Network Research
Matthias Bixler (University of Bremen, Germany), Florian Kerschbaumer (Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, Austria) & Martin Stark (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Social Network Analysis (SNA) is making its way in historical research. Over the last decades a substantial number of studies has shown that both theories and methods derived from social network analysis can be fruitfully applied to selected bodies of historical data. Most of this research has long been done by social scientists from their specific point of view, regarding e.g. research interest or acquisition and processing of historical data. Among historians, network terms have been used mainly metaphorically for a long time. It was only recently that this has changed. After running eight workshops on Historical Network Research (HNR) at locations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, two sessions on network analysis in the historical disciplines at Sunbelt 2013 in Hamburg and one successful international conference on “The Future of Historical Network Research” in September 2013 in Hamburg, the aim of this organized session is to further develop international cooperation between researchers in the field of HNR. Therefore we invite papers with an interdisciplinary background which apply methods of SNA on historical data and reflect on the added value of their methodological account in their field of research. Topics could cover (but are not limited to) network analyses of correspondences, social movements, kinship or economic systems in any historical period.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Claire Lemercier (18 mars 2014). Une session sur l’histoire dans la rencontre européenne sur les réseaux sociaux, à Barcelone en juillet. Réseaux et Histoire. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/to0z